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QS survey reports - online classes most preferred by staff in the UK


With the UK proposing to start classes on campus by introducing a blended form of learning which is inclusive of both online and face to face learning earlier this week, a recent survey has suggested that most universities prefer online courses to that of the other.

Almost 99% of the universities in the UK stated that they are well equipped with safety precautions to begin this academic year by taking the blended learning approach. But it has come to light that 7 out of 10 universities are keen on taking online courses.

Among the 104 universities staff who responded to the survey, only 8.6% of them were eager to take classes on campus while 70% of them chose online and 19% of them suggested that the online and face to face classes be equally split. This turned out to be a surprise to most institutions themselves.

The Vice-Chancellors and the directors of several universities though are hopeful that the situation will become better and that they will be in a position to resume a full-fledged on-campus education by November.

SOURCE: https://thepienews.com/news/uk-70-of-unis-say-blended-learning-mostly-online/

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